TQuickSort   $20.00

The TQuickSort, THeapSort, and TShellSort components for Borland Delphi provide a data-structure-independant, component interface to some of the best, in-place, sorting algorithms. The TBisection component provides a data-structure-independant, component interface to the bisection search algorithm to search for a value in a sorted data set.

This is a really nice separation of the sorting algorithm logic from your application-specific data structure. The only requirement is that you have some means of addressing your data via an integer index. You then specify two events: 1) how to compare data-elements corresponding to given indices, and 2) how to exchange the positions of two data elements. The component does the rest. Since the implementation in these components is independent of the data structure, you can use them with persistent (i.e., disk-based file) storage. Also, the in-place sorting implementation means that you can sort big data files without having to read the entire file into memory prior to sorting! Included with this archive are the 16-bit and 32-bit component compiled unit (.DCU and .DCR) files with TQuickSort, THeapSort, TShellSort, and TBisection components, help files (.HLP, .KWF), and two source code implementation examples. A simple example program shows sorting in memory, and a more complex example shows use with persistent (i.e., disk-based data file) storage. Component source is available for US$20.00.

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